Thursday, May 4, 2023



The other day I was asked to talk to a high academy class who was studying the US. I decided that it would be more intriguing for the scholars( and lower work for me always good) to go by and ask for questions. After about 20 twinkles of questions one sprat raised his hand and asked, “ Are Americans an individualistic or group acquainted society? ”

Watch at there if video is not play then click on there ⬇⬇↓

I responded by asking which order his culture fell into. He answered incontinently saying the Togolese were group acquainted. In an earlier post I mentioned the word Yovo. Roughly restated( and this depends on who you talk to) it means foreigner, stranger. Over the times it has morphed to mean white person, European or indeednon-African( which from a Togolese perspective are all outlanders, nonnatives etc). It isn't inescapably( again, depending on who you talk to) depreciatory. rather it's a marker given to a group of people.

utmost levies detest this. As an American I can understand their point of view. As Americans we were always tutored the value of the existent. All through academy we were tutored that we're collectively intriguing people and that grouping someone is bad. We cringe every time we hear someone relate to another person as black or white. Now imagine walking down the road and having mobs of kiddies chasing after you putatively grouping you, judging you for the color of your skin. Some levies get angry.

Others come up with clever ways to change what the kiddies say( one tutored all the kiddies to call him Champ.) In the end I just deal with it.

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